Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Spring Cleaning!

It's that time of year.....I remember my Mom used to always make a big deal out of spring cleaning....and the whole family was drafted into participation. We would moan at the thought, but there was a sense of family camaraderie once we got started....and a great sense of accomplishment when it was through, and we could see the fruits of our labor. We're actually doing the same thing here at WCRB this year! This week, we're all cleaning out our work areas. I'm marveling at how this parallels my family experience from years ago. I'm also amazed at just how much "stuff" I've accumulated over the last year in my work space! Much of it brings back good memories of things we've experienced in the last year: The Cartoon Festival, our Christmas programming, planning for our specialty weekends...and of course, all the great new music that's come to my attention. And, there's all the other stuff....the paperwork that should have been filed some time ago, and things that have been awaiting their home in that notorius "circular file!" I like what this is doing for us....we're taking pride in our personal space...just the same way we take pride in what comes out of the speakers at WCRB! And, there's one big advantage to spring cleaning at WCRB vs. at my homestead: here at WCRB, we have all this wonderful classical music permeating every corner of the building while we accomplish this task!

I hope you're doing well this week.


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